Sessions for Men

Why Have Tantric Bodywork?

Men often come to a Tantra Massage/ bodywork session with me because they are experiencing some level of discomfort in their sexuality or intimacy. This may be showing up as performance anxiety, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, fear of intimacy, shame & guilt around sex, porn addiction and in other ways.

Tantric Bodywork can help men to re-connect with their body, their spirituality, their heart, their genitals, themselves. A session with me is about meeting yourself. My deep, gentle & compassionate approach, allows you to relax, surrender & feel taken care of.

A therapeutic session can be healing and deeply nourishing. It’s a space for self- discovery & self- inquiry. I work on the energetic level and touch with the intention to be guided by your body and your needs. Therefore, my sessions are client- led. There is a focus on feeling sensation, being receptive & listening to the body.

Energy or Life Force, gets blocked in the body through us holding back & suppressing emotions, that did not have a safe space to be expressed in the original moment of an unwanted or traumatic experience. By gently, slowly & presently massaging parts of the body; we may contact past wounds, through memories, emotions and energetic release. I create a space where all of you is welcome, as I hold you in your process.

A Word on Pleasure

Pleasure is very much welcomed to be felt and expressed in the sessions. The intention of the session is healing, in what ever way that looks. Pleasure can be healing, revitalising and nourishing, when allowed to be felt in a loving container. Especially, if we have such negative conditioning around feeling or accessing pleasure. There is no goal of orgasm. When this happens, you become more present, and from there experience more profound pleasure states, that are beyond the mind.

We are all erotic beings, but have a limited, mental construction of what that means. What if we lived in a world in which Eros was celebrated as healthy? Instead of it living in our personal & collective shadow, through porn, as a weapon of war, perpetual narratives etc…

Pleasure in a session may look like subtle & gentle waves of electricity moving up the spine and torso. And it may also look like big waves; full bodied tingling and surging of orgasmic energy. It could feel like joy and gratitude in the heart. It could be just an overall sense of peace & stillness and “coming home” to oneself.

Pleasure in a session does not look like stimulation, playing out mental fantasy or chasing an outcome.

Somatic Coaching

Using the body as our guide into the unconscious, I hold space for you to explore your internal messages. We give presence to your inner world and what needs to be heard, witnessed & felt. By naming blocks, celebrating what feels good & gaining insights from the wisdom of the body, somatic coaching enables you to feel calmer, clearer and more resourced.

How Can I find Out More Info?

I require us to have a 20 min free phone call before hand & that you take the time to complete my intake form, so I can see if I’m the right practitioner for you. As a holistic practitioner, I am taking in to account your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. It’s also important that you feel comfortable with me and you will have chance to ask me more about my approach to working with you.

What Happens in a Session?

We start a session with a talk about intentions, needs, boundaries, issues and expectations. You are invited to take a shower before & after the massage.

I will then guide you through some Tantric connecting exercises to build trust between us. I use meditation, breath work and sensation play to start; as tools for you to drop deeper into your body, activate the energy body and to awaken the senses.

I use a combination of Reichian techniques along the para- spinal & neck muscles; long, abstract Lomi Lomi strokes for harmonisation & Taoist Erotic Massage, to awaken sensuality & balance the elements within you. I also use pressure points and work with your chakras to get the energy flowing more in certain parts of the body.

As I also practise Neo- Shamanic practices, I work within Sacred Space and open the Six Directions, asking for support, guidance & protection during the session. Working within Sacred Space, allows for us to drop into timelessness, where beautiful healing can occur. I will sometimes include an Energy Medicine treatment in the sessions.

I always finish with grounding you; pulling the energy back down in to the feet and giving you time to rest and integrate. I close with a short talk about aftercare.

Therapeutic Rosetta Massage

Rosetta Massage aka Anal (including prostate) Massage is beneficial for men for many reasons, including maintaining healthier erections. The base of our body is a place that holds a lot of tension. Our first chakra or the Root chakra is an energy centre that sits in the perineum/ anal area and can often hold a lot of stuck energy related to past events in our lives. Therefore, when we touch the anus with awareness & presence, we bring attention to what is there and what needs release to create flow, where there is stagnancy. On the physical level, we stimulate blood flow to the area; the entrance of the anus, internally and the prostate. This may be beneficial to prevent dis-ease. When we explore this part of the body, we change our base from a place of shame & fear to a place of pleasure & relaxation.

When we are balanced in our root, we feel a sense of belonging, we feel safe & grounded, money flows, we live abundantly. When out of balance, we are in survival mode, ungrounded, living in fear of abandonment & scarcity. Having a strong foundation in the world is so important, and from there we can build and heal other aspects in our lives.

Therapeutic Lingham Massage

Lingham is the Sanskrit word for the male genitals. I work on the front body and can include therapeutic Lingham Massage. As with the Rosetta Massage, you are invited to guide me, as we explore any holding of tension in your genitals.

The focus is healing pain, as opposed to pleasure, but of course pleasure is welcome, and if it arises, you can make the choice to follow it. Pleasure is also healing. Our intention is to bring loving awareness to any pain, numbness or other sensation that may be in the genitals. By inviting you to breathe in to these areas and notice your body’s messages, you feel subsequently more connected and lighter from anything that needs to be released. We call this process De- armouring. Melting away the tension that no longer serves us, but once protected us.

Here, we work with releasing any fear, guilt or shame that may be held from cultural and religious conditioning, painful relationships, sexual rejection, ridicule, body dysmorphia etc. We connect the Sex back to the Heart and Spirit, as these often split and become separated parts of our psyche. Healing is about becoming whole again.


“I believe the main intention driving our session has been the discovery of new aspects of my inner world and the need of reclaiming healthy energetic areas, that perhaps went into the darkness, because I wanted to forget, as I couldn’t deal with them at the time.

But the strongest point is that I’ve found new aspects of me that are incredibly positive, genuine and kind, that I didn’t know existed.

Every time we have a session together, that becomes a force to reclaim what’s mine and it helps me protect the peace within me.

That space where I can be me, and simply breathe. When the session is over that space can’t be taken away from me.

Times goes by, and it still belongs to me, it surprises me everytime I think about it.

The best way that I can describe it, is using an idea of a walled garden where I’m safe, but outside the walls It’s wilderness.

And through our work I manage to push the walls back, so I find new soil to plant and green grass to rest”.

Male Client 1

“I was so deeply touched by your presence, acceptance and love – I feel the imprints in my heart, still, as well as my body – alive to pleasure in ways I’d completely forgotten. Mostly though I wanted to express my deepest heartfelt appreciation, to you, for doing this work – for making a space for healing, of the male wound. I can’t think of anything more important”.

Male Client 2

“I feel my connection to my whole body has changed since I met you for tantric massage. Not really knowing what to expect, but needing to reconnect with my sexuality, that had been dulled for a few years, I felt so comfortable from the very first moment.

You are very kind. Time slows. Breathing with me, leading me into a meditation and constantly communicating through touch and words, I felt things align. And all this in a first meeting. I now walk around with what feels like a pillar of light inside me. My body is waking up, a sense of confidence within it and being present.

It is such an empowering and healing thing to have met you, and to be attended to, to learn to receive at your hands… it really is life-changing.  Everyone should know this feeling. Thank you.”

Male Client 3

To Book A Session, Please Enquire.